Wednesday, May 29, 2013

baby book

So my mother-in-law and I went searching for the perfect baby book for Tucker, and I finally found it. I immediately started filling out everything I could at this point in time (which isn't much) but I started brainstorming for other things I could include in it that would be cool to look back on. I drew out a list of the names we had narrowed down for both boy and girl, and some current events that happened during my pregnancy like the tornadoes in Cleburne and Granbury. I also thought it would be cool if Taylor and both wrote a note to our little fetus telling him a little bit about life as we knew it/know it. Taylor hasn't given me his yet...but here is mine. This is a big personal but I doubt anyone reads this anyway.... **when I wrote this letter we hadn't named him yet**

To: My Unborn Son April 26, 2013
Becoming a mother was something I always knew I would be good at; and something I always wanted to do. When I found out I was pregnant with you, it took me less than an hour to go from shock and surprise to excitement and joy. I have always been sensitive and sentimental and you will learn that soon, it will probably annoy and embarrass you at times throughout your life. I cried when I first saw you on the screen at the doctor’s office, I cried today buying your baby book, and there are tears in my eyes as I’m trying to put my feelings into words now. I still can’t believe this is happening to me, I can’t believe I get to be your mom. I know that I am in for stretch marks, sleepless nights, tears, and tough decisions… but all the giggles, cuddles, triumphs, and special moments will make it beyond worth it.
So far, this pregnancy has been so simple. I haven’t gained much weight, or had any morning sickness. You have made my life easy so far! Who knows, I might be writing you back in a couple months telling you different, so I am enjoying it for now! If it weren’t for the cute little belly I have, you’d never know I was pregnant. I really enjoy tea, smoothies, fruit, and pickles and I have a sweet tooth, too. Before I was pregnant with you, your mama enjoyed her fair share of coffee and cocktails—not necessarily together. I still enjoy a cup of coffee sometimes because the doctor said it was okay.
For my side of the family, you are the first boy since your grandpa so we really needed you to help even things out for him. :) We found out you are a boy two days ago on my 26th birthday and got to see you on a big TV screen! Your daddy made the appointment for us and it was the best birthday present I could have asked for. I am so ready for you to be here now but we still have 23 weeks to go so I just have to be patient and let you cook in there a little longer! It was so cool getting to see your little spine, ribs, arms, and legs in there. You’re just growing and growing! Me and your daddy are a little nervous but mostly excited! We have a few names picked out but haven’t decided on one yet but we probably will soon. It’s just so hard to decide what name you are going to live with for the rest of your life. We want it to be cute when you’re young and distinguished when you’re older. We want to pick a good name that will fit who you will be-- which is hard since we don’t know yet! Will you play sports like your daddy? Will you be an actor, a painter, a scientist, or the president?! I want you to know that whatever it is you decide to do with your life, we will support you and cheer you on!
Speaking of “us”, I will tell you a little about your daddy. He is a very special man and has loved me unwaveringly from the start. Our story was one of those “love at first sight” types of things where we were inseparable since the day we met. Though at one point, we did separate for a little bit. But while we weren’t dating we still found little ways to talk to each other and meet up even if we were dating other people because we both knew we still loved each other and still wanted to be friends. I knew I’d end up with your daddy; I was just being a little foolish at the time but everything is okay now :) He is the perfect role model for you and I know you will love him as much as I do. One special thing about your dad is how much he tries. He goes out of his way to show me that he loves and cares for me and he tries hard to make money and be successful, especially now that you are coming. He is very smart and he is good at believing in himself (something I wish I were better at!). He is so good at heart, someone you can really be proud of having for a dad. He will teach you so much and be your best friend!! We are doing your room in baseball, just because we are huge baseball/Rangers fans, but if you decide that baseball isn’t for you, we will figure out what IS for you! It’s good to have a hobby in life. Besides baseball, your dad is good at golf, hunting, fishing, and cooking. Me? I’ve always been good in school. I like doing crafty things, reading, writing, and shopping. I used to scrapbook a lot, but cut back during college. I will probably start that back up now that you are coming. I am a terrible cook, so we’re lucky we have your dad to keep us from starving to death. I think I am good at seeing the best in people and I try to be nice to everybody. All my close friends have always said I have one of the biggest hearts, and I would like to think that is true. Out of me and your dad, I am the funny one. He will deny that but it is so true.
We are sooooooo ready to meet you, I know I already said that but you have to understand how long pregnancy lasts!!! You’re going to be soo cool and funny like me! :)
Anyway, I just wanted to write you a little note and let you know how excited we are to have you in our lives. I can’t wait to meet you!! :)
Your mama

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